Note: Once you donate, we will update you with the periodic progress reports of the cause you supported.
Or Donate via Paytm/Google Pay/Phonepe
Use the information below to make a direct bank transfer through NEFT/RTGS/IMPS.
Account number: 700701707065253
– Account name : Purusharth Charitable Society
(The digit after B is Zero and the letter after N is O for Orange)
For UPI Transaction: supportpurushart@yesbankltd
Covid 19 crisis
Ramagya Foundation(A unit of Purusharth Charitable Society) has made a remarkable impact in the fight against the Covid 19 crisis, having distributed over 50,000 food packets and masks to those in need. Our mission to uplift communities through education, health checkups, and other initiatives has been unwavering. We are fueled by the trust and support of our community, inspiring us to continue making a difference in the lives of those who require our assistance.