online Teaching

E-Learning Unveiled: 5 Ways Online Teaching Should Differ from Face-to-Face Teaching

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the transition from traditional face-to-face teaching to online learning has become more than just a trend-it’s a …
Teacher-Student Relationships

Nurturing Minds: Top 5 Tips to Foster Strong Teacher-Student Relationships in Your School

The bond between a teacher and a student is unique and precious, often referred to as a mentorship or a guiding relationship. At …
Student Engagement

Proven Tips to Enhance Student Engagement in the Classroom

Student engagement is the heart of effective education, and at Ramagya Foundation, we understand the importance of fostering a vibrant and dynamic learning …
Innovative Teaching Methods

10 Creative Teaching Strategies for Every Classroom

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, teachers constantly seek innovative teaching methods to engage their students and foster a love for learning. The …
culture at school

Fostering a Culture of Success at Your School: The Power of Culture Day

Culture is a dynamic force that shapes the identity and character of any institution, including schools. In the pursuit of academic excellence and …
Learning in Classroom

Inspire, Create, Excel: Ramagya Foundation’s Visual Learning Manifesto

In the dynamic world of education, where innovation constantly reshapes the learning landscape, the timeless wisdom of integrating visual elements into classroom instruction …